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S e l e c c i ó n  d e  o b r a s  y  g r a b a c i o n e s   

W o r k s  a n d  s e l e c t e d  a u d i o

C h a m b e r  m u s i c

Waj püle mülei (2020) for C flute, Bb clarinet, bassoon and percussion (crotales, vibraphone, triangle, sizzle cymbal, suspended cymbal, 2 woodblocks (small, medium), bongos) [ca. 6'30”].

Múltiples itinerarios (2017) for C flute and acoustic guitar [ca. 16'].

Tránsito con destino a un solo meridiano (2017) for C flute, oboe, Bb clarinet, tenor trombone, viola and cello [ca. 17'].


Latitudes móviles (2017) for Bb trumpet, french horn, trombone and bass trombone [ca. 5'30”].


Caleidoscopio (2017) for C flute, piccolo, Bb clarinet, acoustic guitar, and cello [ca. 7'20”].

Performers: Ensamble CG (Colombia), members: Laura Cubides (flutes), José Gómez (clarinet), Diego García (cello) and Guillermo Bocanegra (acoustic guitar).

Place and date of perfomance: Otto de Greiff Cultural Hall, April 30, 2017, Bogotá, Colombia.



Nuevos cantos en los ríos de tiempo (2016) for C flute, Bb clarinet and cello [ca. 6'30”].

Performers: DMUS Ensemble (Music Department of the University of Chile): Wilson Padilla (flute), Alejandro Ortiz (clarinet), and Nelson Campos (cello).

Place and date of perfomance: Isidora Zegers Concert Hall of the Faculty of Arts - Center of the University of Chile, January 15, 2020, Santiago, Chile.




Círculos concéntricos (2016) for violin and piano [ca. 6'].

Performers: Dúo Wapiti (Canada): Geneviève Liboiron (violin), and Daniel Áñez (piano).
Date and place of the performance: Concert Hall of the Luis Angel Arango Library, on April 25, 2016, in Bogotá.
Publication and editor of the score: (in press). Curricular Project of Musical Arts, ASAB Faculty of Arts, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá.












Caleidoscópica (2016) for string quartet [ca. 6'30”].

De tarde amanece (2015) for acoustic guitar duo [ca. 7']. [Open score of this piece]

Performers: Iryna Angelova and Lyubava Angelova (Russia).
Place and date of perfomance: World premiere at the "Arsenal", Museum of Modern Art in the city of Nizhny Novgorod in Russia, October 25, 2018.
Publication and editor of the score: Musical Arts Curricular Project, ASAB Faculty of Arts, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá, 2017.







Performers: Jorge Cárcamo Soto and Víctor Castillo (Chile).
Place and date of performance: Isidora Zegers Concert Hall of the Faculty of Arts - Center of the University of Chile,

on January 15, 2019, in Santiago, Chile.












S o l o



Wajontu (2020) for solo clarinet in Bb [ca. 3'].


Journey to the seed of the echoes in the lost steps (2018-19) for solo acoustic guitar [ca. 10'30”].

Acerca del viento, el oleaje y la transparencia (2018-19) for solo violin [ca. 11'30”].

Coordenadas de una respiración pulsante (2018) for solo clarinet in Bb with passive piano [ca. 10']. [Open score of this piece]

Performer: Camilo Irizo (Spain), member of the Taller Sonoro Ensemble.
Place and date of interpretation: Study 4 of the Gerardo Arango Building of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, on April 29, 2018 in Bogotá.
Publication and editor of the score: “Espacio sonoro, revista de música actual”. Digital magazine of the Spanish Ensemble Taller Sonoro, 2018. 

Performer: Griselda Giannini (Argentina).
Place and date of performance: Cultural space "La Vidriera de la DGEART (General Direction of Artistic Education of the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires), on September 11, 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.














Evanescencias (2017) for solo tenor trombone [ca. 5'30”].


Rotación-traslación (2017) for multi-percussion [ca. 4'30”].


Untitled (2017) for accordion [ca. 2'30”].



E l e c t r o a c u s t i c  a n d  m i x e d  m e d i a


Newen (2020) electroacustic piece [10'50”].


Indigenous Kogui (2020) electroacustic piece [10'55”].




Trashumancias (2016) for acoustic guitar, “gaita hembra”, “gaita macho” (traditional wind instruments from the Colombian Caribbean coast), “maracón” (idiophone), and live electronics [ca. 20'].

Performers: Andrés Gaona (gaitas, maracón), Carlos Ardila (acoustic guitart), and Jorge Leiseca (live electronics).

Place and date of perfomance: Faculty of Arts ASAB, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá, 2016.

I n d e t e r m i n a t e  i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n


Waj mapu (2019) for improviser sextet and director [ca. 5'30”].

Los transeúntes (2017) for eight performers of sound objects and director. Based on the poem "El transeúnte" by Rogelio Echavarría [ca. 4'40”].

Performers: composition students of the Faculty of Arts ASAB.

Place and date of perfomance: Faculty of Arts ASAB, Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá, 2017.









A r r a n g e m e n t s


Head over heels (Tears for fears). (2015) for acoustic guitar, tiple and bandola andina [ca. 4'].

Performers: Gabriel Chaparro (bandola andina), Diego Ardila (tiple), Andrés Gaona (acoustic guitar).

Vai saber (Marisa Monte). (2015) for two trumpets in Bb; saxophones: alto, tenor, baritone; electric guitar; electric bass; piano and percussions [ca. 4'].

Autumn Leaves (Jacques Prévert y Joseph Kosma). (2013) for acoustic guitar [3'30”].

Performer: Andrés Gaona.

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